Furniture Being Installed on the First Floor
Monumental Stair Connecting First & Second Floors in Progress
Furniture Installation on the East Side of the First Floor

The new NFCU Annex facility is "closed-in" and the interior finishes are being installed.  Furniture is being moved in and set up on two of the four floors and the warehouse space on the Lower Level is taking shape.   It is very exciting to see the actual installation reflect the images of the architectural renderings and details

Switchgear is Energized
Chillers are Now Operating
Domestic Water Booster Pump System is Operating

The current critical path is preparing the MEP systems for the major commissioning effort scheduled to begin this month and continue until December.  Testing and balancing is now underway and we are reviewing the progress reports and assisting in the process.  Even without being fully balanced or commissioned, the MEP systems are functioning and keeping the building well lit and comfortable in support of the installation of the finishes, furniture, IT cabling, and the audio/visual infrastructure.

Landscaping on the West Side of the Site in Progress
Courtyard Installation is in Progress
Courtyard View From the Parking Garage

Site work is also progressing and the courtyard between the building and the parking structure is being set and leveled.  Final grading has been completed on two sides of the site and the sod, trees, and other landscape features are being installed now.  It no longer takes much imagination to see how beautifully landscaped this new site will be when finished.

Fire Pump
Tile on Break Room Wall
Warehouse Movable Shelving Being Installed
Pre-Action Sprinkler System Cabinet
Interior Glazing Installation in Progress
Warehouse Space is Beginning to Take Shape

With the commissioning effort beginning imminently, our engineers will have an increased presence on-site as the systems are put through their paces and the complex, energy efficient control sequences are tested and verified.  We are looking forward to this very exciting phase of the project and to witness our system design in operation.  Check back soon to read about updates on the commissioning process, the results of the testing, and to learn more about the energy efficient features of these systems!

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