Bacterial Contamination Control Studies
Your building's HVAC system, as well as the architectural layout, can effectively spread contaminants throughout your facility.
Williams Notaro can review the system and the current architectural design of your space to identify methods of isolating critical areas, such as Mail Rooms, from the remainder of the building. We can provide specifications for equipment and special finishes allowing thorough decontamination of these critical rooms with minimal disruption to your business and limiting the extent of the contamination.
Conceptual Planning and Feasibility Study
Developing competent and creative engineering solutions during the initial stages of a project can identify technical issues and hidden costs before the project budget is finalized.
By performing a conceptual planning study, we can resolve the technical issues to make the project design, construction phases, and associated costs predictable. Conceptual Planning Studies can provide valuable information to assist you in deciding to upgrade or replace existing systems. For new facilities, the Conceptual Planning Study is an integral part of the system selection process.
Engineering "Test Fit" Studies
To assist you in determining the suitability of a potential new space, Williams Notaro provides an engineering version of the traditional architectural "test fit" analysis.
This service, performed simultaneously during the architectural "test fit" process, provides information to the prospective end user that may impact the space selection and save substantial costs during construction. This type of study can also provide the basis for negotiations with the Landlord that may result in saving the money while making the space more suitable for the tenant's needs.
Williams Notaro offers a creative approach to problem solving and evaluating facilities for owners, facility managers, property managers, and tenants. If your existing building is not operating properly, or you are considering a new lease, our experienced staff can help.

For more information about a building evaluation call us at (703) 563-0381 or click on the link below...
Due Diligence Evaluations
Our engineers can evaluate a facility's mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, fire alarm, & security systems. Weather you are purchasing a facility or looking at your existing facility, Due Diligence Evaluations can provide critical information on the condition of the infrastructure systems.
We will identify existing code violations, verify system capacities, review the condition of existing equipment, provide a schedule of anticipated maintenance costs, note areas or systems requiring immediate attention, and provide a comprehensive report summarizing the results of the site work and analysis. If you are buying a new building or just evaluating the condition of your current facility, the information provided by this evaluation is invaluable in developing the future strategic plan for any facility.
Security System Evaluations
Does your security system really keep you secure? Williams Notaro can help you evaluate your existing security system or determine the best security system for your building.
We will walk through your facility, identify weak points in the security system, coordinate with security system vendors, offer recommendations to improve your system, and assist in developing a budget to help you plan the project.
Value Engineering Analyses
Project budgets can easily creep up and additional features are added or new needs are identified. With our extensive experience in the design and construction process, our talented team can review your the bids and identify modifications or scope reductions to reduce costs.
Having all of the information helps you make the right decision that will reduce the construction costs. Without knowing the implications or ramifications of each cost saving measure, critical functions can be eliminated that can result in poor environmental conditions, temperature control problems, or a space that is not optimal for your needs.