Facility Highlights
- 10 Story, multi-tenant high rise
- Basement Central Mechanical Plant
- Dual axial fan built up central air handling unit
- Over 149,000 gross square feet
- On-grade, below-grade and above-grade multi-level parking structure

Services Provided
- Building & System Analysis
- Computer Energy Usage Modeling
- Evaluation of Energy Conservation
Measures (ECM's) - Equipment life-cycle cost & payback analysis

Client Feedback
"Williams Notaro surprised me by answering my emails and phone calls with the answers I needed, when I needed them…"
Ken Wakefield, Sr. Chief Operating Engineer
Williams Notaro evaluated the HVAC system, reviewed the building operation, analyzed the thermal performance and developed a calibrated computerized energy model to predict the energy cost savings for various system replacement options. The energy use model proved invaluable to the client's team in selecting the best HVAC system, including a customized Trane ultra-high efficiency chiller, that dramatically cut operating costs immediately upon start up. The model continues to provide ownership with a powerful tool to assist in planning future upgrades to the facility's MEP systems.
Based on the energy model, the client purchased the custom chiller and received $50,000 in utility incentives (approximately twice the upcharge for the premium machine). The cost savings generated by implementing the recommendations identified in the model are summarized below: